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Work Shifts

Work Shifts

Each Cooperator of the Pedalo Supermarket devotes 2 hours and 45 minutes of his/her time per month to actual hands-on work for the cooperative.
It is possible to choose from different roles depending on individual preferences and abilities. Some shifts can be done remotely: encoding invoices, running information meetings, organizing, shifts, etc. To find out more and register for these shifts, send an email directly to .

Order processing

– 4 people per team
– Preparation of packages
– Order verifications

Friday from 4pm to 6:45pm

Order delivery

– 4 people per team
– Package delivery to incoming membre
– Storage room management

Friday from 5pm to 6:45pm

Saturday from 9:45am to 12:30pm

In addition to the role chosen, each cooperator must choose a “team” which will determine the exact timetable for his/her shifts.

The summary of all the dates of all the shifts up to the end of 2022 can be accessed by clicking here.

For example, a cooperator who chooses Order processing in Team C, will work on Friday november 26th from 4:30 p.m. to 7.15 p.m. but also on Friday February 17 (4weeks later) in the same time slot, etc..

Choose your shift

The different work teams

Membership office

  • Organizes the work of the members (eg: manage shifts, allocation of shifts to members of the WG’s)
  • Is responsible for following up on potential new members (eg responding to e-mails, requesting information)

 WG products (to know more about this WG and subscribe, click here) 

  • Choose the products 
  • Sets prices,
  • Manages orders and the stocks

 WG Legal and finance :

  • Provides supports for the Administrative Body with financial resources management, the drafting of a provisional annual budget and in the organization of the General Assemblies,
  • Searches for subsidies and follows the relevent procedures required ,
  • Drafts the Rules Of Procedures & follows up on the potential proposals for modifications of the statutes.
  • Ensures a legal and tax watch in conjunction with the accountant (eg tax shelter, data protection);
  • Takes care of contract management (eg: rent, utilities, etc.) and
  • Accounting

 WG communication

  • Establishes a communication strategy (graphic charter, overall management),
  • Manages social networks (Facebook & Instagram) as well as the website
  • Manages advertising campaigns,
  • Oversees of the recruitment of new members,
  • Drafts and publishes presentation leaflets (digital, paper) and
  • Organizes presentation events for the cooperative

 WG training and internal workings

  • Provides information within the cooperative (content),
  • Organizes meetups for members ,
  • Provides training for new members and organizes their schedule
  • Develops educational tools (eg: super-cooperator’s manual) and designates mentors for new members

WG store site management

  • Finds and manages a suitable site for the activity of the cooperative,
  • Determines the layout of this site and
  • Discusses the potential futur improvements to that layout

 WG tools

  • Determines the choice of software and
  • Provides tech (IT) support (eg issues with card payment terminals)

 WG recruitment

  • Coordinates recruitment activities for new cooperators
  • Coordinates events and organizes attendance at external events as a mean of recruitment of new cooperators
  • Manages the Members-Get-Members program
  • Sets up in-person meetings (+ flyers) with potential cooperators